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Citizenship ceremonies

Under the Nationality Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 all applicants aged 18 years or over who are accepted for naturalisation or registration by the Home Office as a British Citizen must attend a Citizenship Ceremony. The heart of the Citizenship Ceremony will involve prospective citizens making an oath/affirmation to Her Majesty the Queen and a pledge of loyalty to the United Kingdom.

Group ceremonies are held either at City Hall for people becoming British Citizens.

New citizens are required to swear or affirm an oath of allegiance and pledge to be a good citizen. The ceremony lasts about 20 to 25 minutes with an introduction from the Superintendent Registrar and a speech and presentation of certificates by the Lord Mayor or some other local dignitary, a gift is also presented to each new citizen and the National Anthem is played to conclude the ceremony. There is the opportunity to take photographs immediately after the ceremony and light refreshments are available prior to the ceremony. There is no fee to be paid to the Local Authority from the new citizens for this ceremony.

Arranging your ceremony

New Citizens will receive a letter from the Home Office informing them that they have been granted British Citizenship. At the same time the Home Office will send the new citizens’ certificates to us. The letter states that you should call us. We ask that you do not telephone the office, but complete the online form and a member of our team will contact you within 21 days to arrange a ceremony. All citizenship applications are dealt with in order of receipt from the Home Office.

Contact us about a citizenship ceremony

Contact details

Bradford and Keighley Register Office
City Hall
Centenary Square