Housing - what you need to know

It can be difficult to cope when you first leave home and you are on your own. However, there are agencies which can help and support you and if you are in doubt or are experiencing difficulties, always ask for help.


Homelessness means not having a home. Even if you have a roof over your head you can still be homeless. This might be because you do not have the right to stay where you live or because the house you live in is not suitable for you.

The Housing Options Service will work with anyone who is either homeless or threatened with homelessness to try and enable them to stay in their homes or to help them find alternative accommodation. This may include:

  • mediation in landlord and tenant disputes
  • advice and information
  • assistance with housing benefit queries and forms
  • referrals to other agencies for support, mediation and temporary accommodation

Various Housing Associations will also be able to provide help and support.

Where to find out more

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