Shipley and Canal Road Corridor Area Action Plan

6. Adoption (December 2017)

The SCRC AAP was adopted by Bradford Council on 12 December 2017, having been found sound by the Inspector appointed to oversee the public examination process, subject to the inclusion of the main modifications set out in the Appendix 2 to her report.

The AAP now forms part of the statutory Development Plan for the Bradford District and will be used in determining planning applications within the AAP boundary area alongside the Bradford Core Strategy and Waste Management DPD. The Council will continue to have regard to the remaining RUDP 'saved' policies. Appendix F of the SCRC AAP sets out a list of policies which are now replaced by policies contained within the SCRC AAP.

A hard copy of the adopted AAP has been made available at the usual deposit locations.

The following documents are available: