Replacement Unitary Development Plan (RUDP) for the Bradford District

The Replacement Unitary Development Plan (RUDP) is the statutory Development Plan for the Bradford District. It was adopted by the Council on 15 October 2005.

The RUDP is a land use strategy which contains policies to guide development and proposals for the use of land to ensure that the needs of the District's population for homes, jobs, shopping, recreation and other facilities can be met. It is the prime consideration when the Council makes decisions on planning applications.

The Council is currently preparing a new local plan for the Bradford District which comprises of a portfolio of development plan documents and neighbourhood plans that will eventually replace the RUDP.  The Core Strategy, the first of these new development plan documents was adopted by the Council on 18 July 2017. Some of the policies in the RUDP have now been replaced by policies in the Core Strategy and others have been ‘saved’. The Council will continue to have regard to these ‘saved’ policies until the Local Plan’s Land Allocations Development Plan Document is adopted.   

 A list of saved and superseded policies is set out in the Updated Schedule of ‘Saved’ RUDP Policies (PDF) document.

To access and view the RUDP adopted documents and to use the interactive Map, please see the link below.