Where to get advice about your tenancy

Gov.uk has a lot of information about your rights and responsibilities if you are renting somewhere to live. This includes information on the different types of tenancies, your landlord’s duties and how your tenancy can come to an end. 

You can also find useful information on the Shelter and Citizens Advice websites.

Bradford Council’s Housing Options Service can advise on a range of housing related issues and help if you are threatened with homelessness.

Bradford Council’s Housing Standards team can help if you have problems with repairs that your landlord will not carry out. There are some steps that you should take first before you contact us. 

Citizens Advice Bradford and Airedale and Law Centre provide free, confidential and impartial advice on all aspects of housing and tenancy issues.      

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Contact details

Housing Standards Team
8th Floor, Margaret McMillan Tower
Princes Way,

Phone : 01274 434520
Email : CHPenquiries@bradford.gov.uk